Interested in selling your art in our dundee shop?

We're continually amazed with the quality of artists in our local area.   We already showcase a lot of local artwork in our Broughty Ferry shop, but we are always on the lookout for new artists wanting to sell their work.  If you're interested, we would love to hear from you.  Please look at our advice for submissions below, then get in touch. Make sure you read the submissions brief thoroughly to increase your chances of us selling your work.

How to submit your art to us:

  • E-mail us. keep it short and informative, let your work do the talking
  • Attach all of your images to a single e-mail, (or link to an external album/website). There's nothing worse than receiving ten e-mails with single images attached
  • Include an up-to-date stockist list
  • Do not bring your work into the shop unless we ask you to! As much as we love seeing all types of artwork up close and personal, we wouldn't want you damaging your product, or arriving at an inappropriate time
  • We're looking for professional makers or people who plan to make a career out of their art
  • You should have basic knowledge of commercial galleries and understand how commissions, 'SOR' and wholesale work
  • Do you think your work is right for, "Pretty Fly Workshop"? While we love all walks of art and design, some things simply do not fit with our brand
  • Have a look at our current products. Is your work too similar to something we already stock?
  • Consider your price bracket, and know what you would want for each piece sold
  • Be lovely

 We're looking for local artists

Whatever medium you work in, if you're an artist in our local Dundee area looking to sell your work, call us on:

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